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Charter Flights

Flexible planning and accurate organisation is the foundation of success. You name the destination and we take you there by the shortest and fastest routes.

In some situations it is impossible to calculate time and space. The feeling of uncertain progression creates discomfort and stress. If you cannot afford to be stuck in a traffic jam or being exposed to the unpredictability of public conveyance, we are your partner!

It is our duty to utilize time and space optimally. This is achieved by the use of state-of-the-art technology, individual timing as well as comfort which turns hours into memorable moments.

Your safety is our top priority. We have modern twin-engine aircrafts and top qualified and trained staff and crew. It is also our priority ensure everything runs smoothly to guarantee your success. It is essential you can relax when you are traveling with us, so you can be better prepared for your endeavours.

Our flight dates are flexible, giving us an edge over our competition and our passengers the freedom to be at the right place at the right time. With our passenger helicopters, we can take you on short trips through mountainous areas and even to destinations where there isn't an airport available.

